Goapele - Play (Music Video)

The Quiet Storm music video by Goapele for her song titled Play

The Quiet Storm is proud to present Goapele and her song titled Play from her Break of Dawn record. It is a song that personifies the spirit of The Quiet Storm. However, this mix was not made for wimpy speakers.... in fact it might blow them up. So, be careful with the volume knob before you start playing this. But once you find the sweet spot on the volume knob, put it on repeat and savor the flavor of some sexy romance with that special someone.

Goapele - Play

Connect direct with Goapele at Goapele.Com

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X Music TV (for mature audiences): XMusicTV.Com
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Dancentricity: Dancentricity.Com
The Record Store: TheRecordStore.Com
MusicLoad: MusicLoad.Com
TV Música (Latin/Spanish Music Videos): TVMusica.Com
Twang Music TV (Country Music Videos): TwangMusicTV.Com

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